Breathing Techniques

The beauty of your breath is that it is always with you. It gives you life and it can help you deal with the bumps and twists and turns that life can throw at you. Try these calming breathing techniques when you are feeling anxious, nervous, unsettled, fidgety or just not yourself.

Coherence Breathing

Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor. The eyes may be opened or closed.

Place the hands on the belly if that feels comfortable. This will allow you to feel the belly move out on the inhale and in on the exhale. 

Relax the belly to let the breathing be effortless.

Inhale, letting the belly expand into the hands for a count of four; then exhale, letting the belly gently draw in to a count of five. Repeat this pattern.

Continue in this way for another three or four breaths.

Humming Bee Breath

Sit comfortably with your spine erect and close your eyes.

Close your ears with either your index or middle fingers.

Lightly press your lips together and slightly open your teeth.

Bring the inner gaze into the ajna (sixth) chakra. Bring the inner gaze into the ajna (sixth) chakra, located between the brows.

Breathe in through your nose.

As you exhale, make a smooth, even, humming sound, like the sound of a bumblebee.

Continue for 3 to 5 minutes, feeling the vibration throughout the body.

Nadi Shodhana (alternative nostril)

Sit comfortably with a straight spine with your left hand comfortably on your lap

Rest the tip of the index finger and middle finger of your right hand between the eyebrows.

Close off the right nostril with the thumb, inhale slowly through the left nostril to the top of the breath. Then use the ring and pinky fingers to close off the left nostril.

Release the thumb and slowly exhale through the right nostril, inhale through the right nostril, the top of the breath, close right nostril with the thumb and release the ring and pinky fingers to exhale through the left nostril to the bottom of the breath.

Repeat this pattern for a few rounds.

4-7-8 Breathing - Helps you get to SLEEP

Place the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth as if making an L sound.

Close your mouth

Breathe in through your nose for a count of four, feeling your belly rise

Hold your breath for a count of 7

Breathe out through your mouth with lips pursed and tongue still behind your front teeth, for a count of 8.

Repeat for 10 rounds.


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