Learned Optimism - ABCDE

I love Martin Seligman’s work on Positive Psychology. It is summed up in this quote of his, “Positive thinking is the notion that if you think good thoughts, things will work out well. Optimism is the feeling of thinking things will be well and hopeful.” His work also gives us the hope that we a learn optimism, we are not just born with it or without it.

Learned Helplessness - we suffer most when we believe that we have no efficacy in our lives, that nothing we do can improve the outcome.

Learned optimism - the strength, resiliency, and ability to create the meaning and direction of our lives.

There are 3 P’s to optimists vs. pessimists:
Permanence: Pessimists see negative events as permanent. Optimists view them as temporary.

Personalization: Pessimists blame themselves when things go wrong. They link good events to external factors or luck. For optimists, it’s the opposite.

Pervasiveness: Pessimists have a gloomy outlook on every area of their lives. Optimists don’t let failure in one area of their life affect how they feel about another.

Seligman also developed the ABCDEs of Learned Optimism - try this exercise out!

Adversity. Start by describing a recent experience of adversity. Be as specific and factual as possible in your description. 

Belief. Then, write down all the thoughts running through your mind while thinking about this adverse experience. Record the exact sentences,  don’t try to be positive at this stage, the goal is to capture the essence of your pessimism so you can change your outlook in the next steps.

Consequence. Now, consider the impact of these beliefs on your feelings and on your behaviour. and don’t judge yourself, these consequences are perfectly natural given the negative beliefs they are based on.

Disputation. It’s time to put your beliefs into perspective. You can either find a piece of evidence that disproves the negative belief or an alternative view of the belief

Energisation: Use the newfound energy from the disputation step to cultivate a more positive outlook on the challenge you are facing. Consider the progress you have made, and how this exercise has helped you better manage your negative beliefs.


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